
Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Does Video Gaming Have to Do with Evangelism?

This is my first post on my first blog. I would like to introduce the world to a vision that God has given me. Our goal as Christians is to live out the Great Commission, of which is to "go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone." Right now I working with campus ministry called Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, but this vision may take me elsewhere. Only God knows. Coming up on April 10th, my group is hosting StressBusters '10. It is a night of video gaming, live music, free food, and prizes. We call the event StressBusters, because it is about two weeks before Spring semester finals, when students and faculty are starting to get stressed out. This event is open to the public and completely free of charge. You can find out more information about this event on facebook.

Well, back to original topic, using video games as a evangelism tool. During my sophomore year at North Central University, I had to youth subculture study in my sociology of American youth class. I chose to attend a LAN party and study the subculture of geeks and gamers. For those who don't know what a LAN party is, it is acronym for Local Area Network. This means that at the party the participants create a local network to play multiplayer games on. At this party my computer did not want to cooperate at all, much to my surprise because I know my computer inside and out. Since my computer did not work it gave me a chance talk to everyone there and tell them about the project I was doing. I also got to witness to some people that I am still friends with to this day.

Coming back from the party and writing my paper I came to realization that this subculture of gamers and geeks is virtually untouched by church nowadays. This is just a little glimpse into my world and vision. I will post more about as the days go on. Any comments are welcome, just please keep them appropriate.


  1. Nice intro post, ill be there after work at 7.

  2. Not Biblical, I don't think, for a woman, Coral Werling, to be in the role as "pastor."

    Why go the way of the world with their worldly associations of AMUSING themselves to death with, of all things, "gaming."

    How about just opening up the Bible and reading it, going to church and hearing it preached?

  3. If you read the whole book, it says "Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone". Please do not disrespect my wife, women are just as qualified as men to be pastors. I'd appreciate that you no longer continue to post on my blog if you retain that attitude.

  4. I like this idea, but how do you feel about the idea of sharing faith through online gaming? Whether on an MMO, with something like Halo or TF2, or a browser game?

  5. I would love to start ministering online, but at my home I have dial up. I would really love to get back to playing counterstrike again. Thanks for the comment.
